Monday, October 23, 2017

                                    THE SIX ATTITUDES OF HIGH ACHIEVERS

1. Make no small plans : Plan BIG
             What this means is that try to plan things out of the ordinary. Plan big go for something that you really want to achieve in your life. The first attitude of a high achiever is to plan big. It is important to plan big because life is not worth living if one does not take risks. People that don't make big goals or plans are usually the type to play it safe. Which, although playing safe is good, not taking risks is egregious. Risks bring uncertainty and flavor into life. Not taking risks makes life a dull rice cake as opposed to the smorgasbord it can be. Boxing Legend Muhammad Ali once said, "He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life." This statement rings true because if you play it cool and safe, yes you won't get in trouble and lose success, but you will not find any either. If you can plan big, you will go far. Making small plans is not bad but not making big plans is unfavorable.

Image result for john r noe5. High Achievers are teachable6. High Acheivers have heart

2. Do what they fear

    What this means is that what ever someone is afraid of something prove them that you are not afraid of it.What the writer is attempting to convey is that you must be able to take risks and step outside their comfort zone. If you are able to do what you fear and consistently step out of your comfort zone. People say that you can do anything when in reality if you aren't willing to take risks, you might as well give up then and there. 99.9995% of the time, it is impossible to do well without taking risks. Comedic legend Chris Rock states: "Comedians tend to find a comfort zone and stay there and do lamer versions of themselves for the rest of their careers." I am particularly fond of this statement because I like Chris Rock but this statement holds for every other career path. If someone is satisfied with what they have, they don't realize how they could possibly be missing out on a better situation for them. That is something I hold true and hold myself up to the high standard of. I never want to settle for mediocrity. I either do the best I can or below my capability. Never in the middle, there is no gray area.
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3. Willing to prepare

    The third attitude of a high achiever is to be willing to be prepared. Being prepared isn't just planning for immediate success. It also is important to plan for long term success and prepare. One must also prepare for disaster in addition to success. Those who are willing to prepare are those who will be successful. UCLA former basketball coach John Wooden urges us to be prepared in his quote: "Be prepared and be honest." If you had two people living the same lives, except one person has 3x their monthly spending saved in their bank account, while the other has only their exact amount of monthly spending. Sure both of them are prepared but one will be more successful in their later endeavors. If they lose their job, most people find a job in about a month or two. If you don't have that 3 month cushion, you may feel the sense of desperation becoming more and more nagging. If you have the 3 month cushion. You will feel more at ease if you mess up your first job interview. Which may lead you to getting a job faster than someone who is struggling to meet their personal and financial 1 month deadline.

4. Willing to risk failure 

   The fourth attitude of a high achiever is to be willing to fail. The wise man learns from, their mistakes while the fool makes the same mistake over and over. You must be able to learn from setbacks and experiences. That's what separates the commoners from the Elites. Founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerburg says that "The biggest risk is not taking any risk... In a world that changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks."  I believe this is a strong statement because I have witnessed it first hand. I used to be scared of rejection and failure because I thought once that happened, there was no rebounding or coming back from it. But now, as I am older, I realize that if your scared to fail, you will likely fail. You must push yourself to not be frightened of failure. The only thing you have to fear is fear itself.

     The fifth attitude of a high achiever is to be teachable. Not as being able to learn but being willing to learn. A teachable person is someone who, not only is able to be taught and learn but want to be taught and learn. An example of people who are able to be teachable are some of the greatest. Jimi Hendrix had to taught to play guitar, Micheal Phelps had to be taught how to swim, LeBron James had to be taught on how to play basketball. The list goes on and on. Duke Basketball coach, Mike Kzrzyzewski, said: "The thing I loved the most - and still love the most about teaching - is that you can connect with an individual or a group, and see that individual or group exceed their limits." Those who are teachable reach and exceed their limits. Limits are non-existent with teaching and hard work. If you had the best teacher and you weren't willing to learn, guess what that teacher means nothing. If you had the most mediocre teacher of all time, the most average person you can think of. But, you are hungry for knowledge and willing to learn, then you will go far.

 The sixth and final attitude of a high achiever is to have heart. Heart is important to have because heart brings determination and drive. Particularly in sports, everything can be taught except for heart and height. Take former Detroit Piston and Chicago Bull, Dennis Rodman. Was horrendously undersized for his position but had the heart to succeed in basketball for years, collecting 5 NBA championships. You cannot be as successful in something you don't have heart in in comparison to something you would otherwise have heart with. Jesse Owens said "We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort." You must have heart to be successful because otherwise you won't have a drive to pick you back up when you fall. Jesse Owens elaborates on that by saying that in order to make dreams a reality, you must have determination, or heart. You must have heart.

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